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Youth & Leaders

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What's Next?

Once you've emailed your three-page registration . . .

Start gathering your pioneer clothes at thrift stores or sewing them on Wednesday nights. Don't forget to break in your sturdy boots or walking shoes.

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Plan a few youth activities to build up your hiking endurance so you will be ready physically for Trek.

Find a pioneer story from your family. It could be someone who is still alive or someone many generations ago. Choose any story about how your relative set out on a new path - joining the church, serving their country, going on a mission, or being a pioneer in any capacity. You will share this story with your Trek family.

Find and submit at least one name for temple ordinances on FamilySearch.  The temple work could be performed after Trek, but we would like the name to be submitted before Trek.  Wards are encouraged to help their youth in achieving this goal.

Bishoprics and Young Women Leaders, click below.
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